HomePoliticsIn Fox-Dominion Saga, Will the Judge Outshine the Drama?

In Fox-Dominion Saga, Will the Judge Outshine the Drama?

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Okay folks, buckle up ‘cause we’ve got some news from the courtroom. Judge Davis just dealt a major blow to Dominion by ruling that their lawyers can’t talk about the Capitol insurrection ‘cause it might “prejudice the jury”. Oh, come on, Judge Davis! That’s like saying you can’t talk about popcorn at the movies ‘cause it might “prejudice the appetite.” Sheesh!

And that’s not all, folks. The judge also said that Dominion’s legal team can’t talk about the death threats their employees received. What the heck? How are they supposed to defend themselves if they can’t mention that their employees were getting death threats? This judge is acting like a kid trying to cover their ears and pretending not to hear anything.

But wait, it gets better! On Wednesday, the judge shrieked at Fox’s lawyers for hiding evidence. Apparently, there were recordings of conversations between their hosts and people claiming to know about “supposed fraud” that are just coming to light. Oh boy, these lawyers are about as sneaky as a fox. Pun intended. Judge Davis even said he might appoint a special master to investigate whether they were deliberately withholding the evidence.

According to Mr. Tobias, Judge Davis has worked tirelessly to bring fairness to “the most consequential defamation case since N.Y.T. v. Sullivan.” Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure that “consequential” means important. I mean, this is big news, people! This is like when McDonald’s introduced the McRib. Okay maybe it’s not that exciting, but you get the point.

And if that wasn’t enough, get ready for the media circus coming to town! News outlets from around the world will be setting up camp in good ol’ Wilmington, Delaware to cover the trial. We’re talking about Fox hosts, leaders, the Murdochs – you name it, they’ll be there. Sorry, Wilmington, looks like you’re about to get more attention than a Kardashian on Instagram.

But don’t get too excited ‘cause there are limits to how the proceedings can be covered. No video or audio is allowed to be broadcast from the courtroom and reporters can’t use the internet. That’s right, folks, you’re going to have to rely on good old-fashioned pen and paper. Who knew writing things down was still a thing?

Serious News: nytimes


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