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Sudan’s Battle Royale Takes a 7-Day Timeout: Warring Clans Press Pause on Chaos

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Guess what, folks?! Saudi Arabia and the United States have finally put an end to their quarrelsome ways and agreed to a ceasefire starting on Monday! Can you believe it?? It’s like when two toddlers who were just fighting over a toy suddenly become best friends again. This ceasefire is the first of its kind, and it’s about time!

Oh, but wait, it gets better. Apparently, this ceasefire deal was only made after two weeks of talks between the rival factions in Jeddah. Talk about dragging your feet! Did they need that long to decide that maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t a good idea to keep fighting and leaving millions of people in a terrible situation? Whatever happened to common sense, I ask you?

Anyway, back to the ceasefire. The deal promises that the fighting factions will stop trying to occupy new areas, which is kind of like telling kids they can’t play with toy cars on the carpet. Not to mention, they’ve also agreed to limit their shenanigans by not detaining or threatening civilians, and allowing aid groups and workers to help those in need. Wow, how noble of them! Give these people a cookie, why don’t you?

But hold on a minute, there’s more! Apparently, the two sides have also agreed not to steal anything or destroy important infrastructure, like electricity, fuel, and water installations. I mean, come on, guys, let’s show a little bit of respect here! It’s like telling a bunch of monkeys to stop flinging their poo everywhere, isn’t it?

Let’s not forget that this isn’t the first time a ceasefire has been proposed, but hey, let’s not dwell on the past, right? It’s not like people have already died and been displaced due to previous failed attempts. Oh, wait…they have. But this time, it’s different, right? Right?!

In conclusion, it’s about time that these two sides put aside their differences and did something productive for once. Let’s hope they stick to their word and stop being such a pain in everyone’s behind. Until then, let’s all grab a bag of popcorn and wait and see what happens next. It’s bound to be an interesting show!

Serious News: nytimes


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