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“Breaking News: California and New York Outdone by Mystery State with Over $15/hour Minimum Wage – Find Out Which!”

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Hey there, folks! Ready to hear about minimum wage hikes? No? Well too bad, because here it comes. In January, about half of the U.S. decided to give their minimum wage a little lift. That’s right, it’s like a facelift for your paycheck! Eight states even boosted it up to a jaw-dropping $13 per hour, including Illinois and Arizona, while others are still lagging behind at a measly $7.25 per hour. Come on, Idaho and Oklahoma, it’s time to catch up. But, let’s be honest, no minimum wage matches the cost of living. According to MIT’s Living Wage Calculator, it’s like trying to pay for a Lamborghini with a Monopoly board game.

Of course, raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour is the talk of the town. It’s the sweet, sweet dream of many, and some states are actually making it a reality. Can you guess which ones made it on this list? Five states have pumped up their minimum wages to make sure their hardworking citizens are getting more than just a couple of pennies. These states include New York, New Jersey, and others that will make you feel like a kid in a candy shop.

So, let’s talk about the Big Apple, New York. Not only is it the city that never sleeps, but it’s also home to the country’s highest minimum wage, coming in at $14.20 per hour. That’s right, forget about the Liberty Bell, Lady Liberty, or even pizza, because New York’s minimum wage is where it’s really at.

But, wait a minute, New Jersey is not far behind with $14.13 per hour. Don’t underestimate this Garden State because they’re going to make sure you get paid enough to cover your tolls and traffic tickets.

In addition to these two states, there are three others with minimum wages that will make your head spin. They may not be the biggest states, but they sure know how to make bank: Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. These states are proof that bigger doesn’t always mean better.

So, there you have it, folks. The top five states with the highest minimum wage in the country. MIT may have the Living Wage Calculator, but we’ve got the humor calculator, and we hope this article gave you a chuckle or two. Until next time, keep on laughing and working hard, but mostly laughing.

Serious News: cnbc


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