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“Super Mario Bros. Movie” and More: 4 Rules for Turning Video Game Chaos into Cinematic Sausage

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Breaking news, folks! Sonic has hit the big screen, and it’s a real blockbuster. They managed to slip in some human drama, but kept true to the game’s sincere and genuine vibe. Talk about a feat!

But what can we say about Netflix’s attempted “Resident Evil” TV show? One word: flop. It was cancelled after just one season, and for good reason. Somehow, they managed to stray so far from the game that it looked more like a teen drama show from the CW Network. Last time we checked, it was supposed to be about zombies and bioterrorism – not love triangles.

It just seems like they didn’t get the memo when it comes to the tone of the show. Instead of capturing the campy nature of the game, they opted for modern comedy trends. We’re talking a full-on misfire here, people.

Listen, we get it. Trying to translate a beloved game into a TV show is hard work. But if you’re going to go through with it, you’ve got to do it the right way. Unfortunately, Netflix missed the mark.

Maybe they should have gathered a bunch of zombies and bioterrorists together in one room to brainstorm – now that’s a thought. Or, you know, they could have just stuck to the source material.

In the end, it’s clear that Sonic is the real winner here. But hey, Netflix – we’re rooting for you. Maybe one day you’ll hit the jackpot and make a “Resident Evil” show that does justice to the game. Until then, we’ll stick to our consoles.

Serious News: washingtonpost


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