HomeTechnologyThese are the tech jobs quaking in their boots as ChatGPT and...

These are the tech jobs quaking in their boots as ChatGPT and A.I. prepare their world domination plan 🤖😱

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Hey there, fellow humans! So, here’s the deal: the tech industry isn’t doing so hot this year. In fact, it’s cut 5% more jobs than it did in all of 2022. Yikes! That’s a big number. According to Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the rate of layoffs is on track to surpass 2001 when the dot-com bust shook things up. But that’s not all we have to worry about – now workers are worried about being replaced by robots too. I mean, has anyone seen Terminator? That stuff is terrifying.

But fear not, my friends. Sultan Saidov, co-founder and president of Beamery, a global human capital management software-as-a-service company, is here to ease our minds. He says that ChatGPT and AI are actually going to help us work more efficiently. Whew! That’s a relief. ChatGPT is like a little robot buddy that uses learning models to generate human-like responses. According to Saidov, it’s not just for chit-chat – it can actually help us get our work done better.

Now, if you’re a creative (and let’s be real, who isn’t?), you might be worried about your future. But fear not, my artsy friends! Saidov says that AI can actually help you create more and do your job quicker. So, the robots aren’t coming for your paintbrush just yet. “If you can create more as a company, then this technology will just increase the number of games you’ll be able to get made,” Saidov says. So, game on!

Of course, software developers and engineers might be feeling a little more apprehensive. But just because ChatGPT is all the buzz right now, doesn’t mean they’re completely out of a job. Sameer Penakalapati, CEO at Ceipal, an AI-driven talent acquisition platform, says that these jobs will still exist – but their tasks might be diminished. GPT can generate code in seconds, giving software users exactly what they need without the back-and-forth with the development team. “Whether it’s a piece of code you’re writing, whether you’re testing how users interact with your software, or whether you’re designing software and choosing certain colors from a color palette, you’ll always need somebody, a human, to help in the process,” Penakalapati said. So, don’t worry – we still get to keep our jobs.

But wait, there’s more! The incorporation of these tools will impact every knowledge worker. That’s right, folks – even the lowly office drones like me and you. Michael Chui, a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute, says that “the technology provides speed with these types of capabilities.” A recent study found that roughly 80% of the U.S. workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by the introduction of learning models in GPT tech. So, while the robots might be taking over some of our tasks, we’ll still have plenty of work to do.

So, what’s the bottom line? The world will always need more software. And, in the meantime, we might as well make friends with the chat bots – they might just help us get our work done faster.

Serious News: cnbc


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