HomeOpinionsOpinion | Hooray for Fireflies (and a Wild Shoutout to Wildflowers and...

Opinion | Hooray for Fireflies (and a Wild Shoutout to Wildflowers and Mosquitoes, Too)

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Once upon a time, Near-Old (because he ain’t no spring chicken) was tucked in his cozy bed in his brand new room. As the night descended upon the silent house, I sat on the sofa to let the waterworks flow freely.

Earlier that day, I had visited my OB/GYN who dropped the bomb that the baby I was carrying had no heartbeat. Talk about a Debbie Downer. I had been growing a little human being inside me for 10 weeks and now, it was all for nought. I had to wait for my body to catch up and for the record, it was not a pleasant wait. My senses were on overdrive and the smell of any kind of food made me nauseous.

But wait, there’s more! While I was drowning in my tears, something spectacular happened. It was as if nature knew I needed a good pick-me-up. A plethora of tiny lights popped up just above the ground outside. Being the curious person I am, I went to have a gander. And lo and behold, it was lightning bugs!

Looking back, I’m not saying the lightning bugs were a metaphor for a light-in-the-darkness situation but they definitely became one. I mean, I still remember them to this day, so they had to be of some significance. At the time, they were pure magic. The darkness was glistening with tiny, glittery lights fluttering about. It was a sight to behold.

Serious News: nytimes


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