HomeEnvironmentTax Season Extends Its Vacation, Thanks to Climate Change!

Tax Season Extends Its Vacation, Thanks to Climate Change!

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Tax season is approaching, which means it’s time to break out the calculators and start sweating over all of those numbers – just kidding! Filing taxes these days is as easy as pie, or should we say, as easy as niling software. That being said, it seems like we can’t go a year without tax laws changing, thus making the process just a tad bit more complicated. But fear not! With a little bit of guidance, we’ll get through it together.

Now, in the event of a natural disaster, the IRS has made some exceptions. If you’ve been hit by a tornado, tsunami, or a pack of wild elephants, the IRS will give you a whopping 120 days to file your taxes without penalty or interest. That’s right, folks, free of penalty or interest! So, in the event of a natural disaster, just remember to hold onto your important paperwork and focus on picking up the pieces – not stressing over your taxes.

According to climate research, the number of counties hit by natural disasters has increased significantly over the years, with over 40% of Americans affected in 2021 alone. This calls for a change in the way we approach our taxes. Instead of worrying about our taxes 24/7, we should take a step back and enjoy the beauty of our planet – and when a disaster hits, take advantage of the IRS’s generous offer.

So, who’s at risk of these natural disasters? Unfortunately, it seems like no one is safe anymore – even those who live in areas that were once considered low-risk. Western states are contending with droughts, the Gulf of Mexico and the Mid-Atlantic are subjected to harsh hurricanes, and tornadoes are moving eastward. But hey, at least we can all bond over dodging natural disasters, right?

With climate change affecting every aspect of our lives, it’s no surprise that our tax industry is being impacted as well. This means that state and federal lawmakers may need to step in to make sure families and businesses receive the disaster tax deductions they need without waiting to file a postponed return. After all, we don’t want to have to stress over taxes on top of everything else.

In conclusion, let’s keep taxes simple and fun, and take advantage of the IRS’s 120-day offer in the event of a natural disaster. And while we’re at it, let’s all give Mother Nature a break and do our part in protecting our beautiful planet. After all, as Katharine Hayhoe, chief scientist at the Nature Conservancy, reminds us – every aspect of our lives is being affected by climate change, and it’s up to us to make a difference.

Serious News: washingtonpost


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