HomePoliticsClarence Thomas's Goodies Bag and the Supreme Court's Questionable Swag

Clarence Thomas’s Goodies Bag and the Supreme Court’s Questionable Swag

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Do you know what’s funny? Justice Clarence Thomas. Not because of his rulings or anything like that, no no, it’s his behavior. Apparently, ol’ Tommy boy has a bit of a habit of acting in ways that other justices wouldn’t dream of. For example, he’s “accidentally” misled the public multiple times about his finances. Whoopsie daisy! And his wife, Virginia, is quite the character herself. She attended the Jan. 6 rally protesting the 2020 election result and has said some things about it that may not be entirely true. You can always count on the Thomases to keep things interesting.

But it’s not just legal experts who are worried about the court’s reputation. The justices themselves are getting a little antsy. Chief Justice John Roberts has been trying to convince everyone that the court is not part of the “polarized political environment” of the country. You know, because they just sit around all day talking about law stuff and definitely don’t have any personal biases. And Amy Coney Barrett made a speech where she called her colleagues “not a bunch of partisan hacks”. Sure, Amy, we believe you. You just keep doing you.

Unfortunately for Team Supreme Court, Thomas is making it a bit difficult to argue that they’re more virtuous than the other branches of government. I mean, if he keeps “accidentally” covering up payments he’s received, how can they claim to be held to a higher standard? If anyone else did that, they’d be in big trouble, so what makes the SCOTUS so special? It’s almost like they’re just regular people who make mistakes or something.

I can’t help but wonder how the other justices feel about all this. Do they roll their eyes and whisper “Oh, Thomas” when he pulls one of his stunts? Are they secretly laughing at him during those long court sessions? It’s like their own little reality show, and we get to watch from the sidelines.

Serious News: nytimes


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