HomeEntertainmentWho's on diaper duty mid-flight? Twitter's newest uproar.

Who’s on diaper duty mid-flight? Twitter’s newest uproar.

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Well, well, well, what do we have here? A baseball player complaining about popcorn on an airplane? How original. Apparently, Anthony Bass felt the need to vent on Twitter about his flight attendant asking passengers to pick up their popcorn. Come on, man, are you really that bothered by a few kernels on the floor? Maybe it’s time to toughen up and learn how to deal with life’s little inconveniences.

Of course, the internet had a field day with this one. People were quick to point out that maybe Bass could have handled this popcorn situation like an adult. Or, maybe he could have, you know, picked up the popcorn himself instead of whining about it on social media. Just a thought.

But hold on, folks, because it gets even better. Bass claimed that the airline provided cleaning crew would take care of the mess. Oh, really? And what happened to the days of personal responsibility? If you make a mess, you clean it up. It’s that simple. And don’t even get us started on the state of airplane cleaning during a pandemic.

Some commenters tried to defend Bass, saying that traveling with kids is hard enough as it is. Okay, fair enough. But does that mean we should all just give up on basic hygiene and cleanliness? We don’t think so. Plus, it’s not like the flight attendant was asking for a full deep-cleaning. A little popcorn pickup isn’t going to kill anyone.

Etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore chimed in, saying that flight attendants don’t have time to worry about popcorn on the floor. Well, duh. Their job is to keep us safe, not clean up our messes. But that doesn’t mean we should leave our trash scattered everywhere like a bunch of animals. Come on, people, have some respect.

Whitmore did make a good point, though. Children should be taught to clean up after themselves. If we all just relied on other people to clean up our messes, the world would be a pretty disgusting place. So, let’s take a lesson from the flight attendant and start picking up after ourselves.

In the end, Bass claimed that United was “taking care of matters with the flight attendant internally,” whatever that means. But you know what they say, the internet never forgets. We’ll always remember the time a grown man complained about popcorn on an airplane. And hey, at least we got a cute picture of his toddler and a giant bag of popcorn out of it. So, there’s that.

Serious News: washingtonpost


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