HomeTechnologyGet in line for Facebook's $725 million "Oops, Our Bad!" privacy kerfuffle...

Get in line for Facebook’s $725 million “Oops, Our Bad!” privacy kerfuffle payout!

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Are you one of the millions of people who had their personal information improperly shared by Facebook with Cambridge Analytica? Well, you’re in luck because a new website has been launched to settle the resulting lawsuit against the social media giant. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good lawsuit settlement?

The lawsuit, which dates back to 2018, was the result of Facebook sharing the info of 87 million users with Cambridge Analytica. Talk about a privacy violation! But now, affected users can enter a claim for their piece of the settlement pie. Just remember, you only have until August 25 to get in on the action.

If you had an active Facebook account in the U.S. between May 2007 and December 2022, then you could potentially receive a payout. That is, if enough people submit claims and we don’t run out of settlement money first. Let’s hope Mark Zuckerberg has been saving up.

Remember Cambridge Analytica? That British political consultancy used by Trump’s campaign and Senator Ted Cruz? Well, they were the ones who benefited from your personal info. But on the bright side, you’re now part of a historic lawsuit against Facebook. So, cheers to that.

This breach was such a big deal that even Mark Zuckerberg had to testify before Congress. Talk about a rough day at the office! He even took out full-page ads to apologize for the whole debacle. Aww, poor Mark. But hey, at least he has billions of dollars to console himself with.

In case you haven’t heard, Facebook recently had a bit of an identity crisis and rebranded itself as Meta. So, if you’re filling out your settlement claim and can’t find the name “Facebook,” don’t worry, you’re in the right place. It’s like when your friend changes their name on Facebook and you can’t find their profile for a while. It’s confusing, but we’ll get through it together.

Now, before we get too excited about our settlement payouts, let’s acknowledge that Facebook didn’t actually admit any wrongdoing. They settled the lawsuit, but they’re not sorry. According to their spokesperson, it’s just what they had to do to appease their shareholders. Classic move, Facebook. Classic.

But don’t let that stop you from claiming what’s rightfully yours. Head on over to Facebookuserprivacysettlement.com (which, by the way, is a mouthful) and enter all your personal info. Because let’s be real, what could go wrong with giving Facebook even more of your information? Happy claiming!

Serious News: cnbc


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