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DeSantis’s Electability Pitch Does the Wobble Dance, Unfazed by G.O.P. Losses Under Trump’s Dubstep Tune

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Let’s face it, folks – the GOP is at it again. They’re arguing about electability, of all things! As if anyone in their right mind would choose a candidate based on how many votes they might get. But for some die-hard Trump supporters, electability is about as relevant as a toothpick in a haystack. They’re still clinging to the notion that the 2020 election was rigged, like a toddler holding on to their favorite blankie.
Now, if there’s one place where an anti-Trump message might resonate, it’s New Hampshire. After all, they’ve had a few GOP candidates who were way out in left field, and not in a good way. But try telling that to Chris Sununu, who’s busy tossing his hat into the 2024 presidential ring. He had the guts to warn his fellow Republicans about a certain Don Bolduc, who was more conspiracy theory than candidate. Did they listen? Nope. Bolduc won the primary and ended up being the ultimate loser.
But wait! There’s hope yet, according to Christopher Ager, the new chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party. Apparently, some of their activists are tired of losing (duh), so they’re looking for a candidate who’s a bit more palatable to the general public. Good luck with that, Chris!
Meanwhile, Fergus Cullen – the only sane Republican on the City Council in Dover – is holding his breath. He’s got to win over some Democrats in his heavily blue ward, and he’s not sure he can do it. According to him, Trump has the power to turn his supporters into lemmings (you know, those little rodents who jump off cliffs for no good reason). Even if Trump were leading them straight into a bottomless pit, they’d follow him like a bunch of mindless zombies. Scary stuff, Fergus.

Serious News: nytimes


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