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Opinion | Why “Help, I’ve Lost My Mind!” Should Become A Legit Reason For Medical Assistance in Dying (With A Side of Laughter)

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Depression is no joke. But you know what is a joke? Only a third of people with major depressive disorder respond to treatment. And if you’re one of those unlucky two-thirds, you might be tempted to take matters into your own hands. Oh, the joys of being mentally ill.

Sadly, it’s not all fun and games. Major depression is a leading cause of suicide, with two-thirds of people who die by suicide being depressed at the time of their death. That’s depressing in and of itself. And don’t even get me started on the current suicide epidemic.

But fear not! A panel of experts has recommended a solution: assisted suicide for those with mental illness. If you can convince two healthcare practitioners that your illness is “grievous and irremediable,” you’ll be given the green light to end it all. No more messy, difficult, terrifying DIY attempts for you!

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Suicide is not the answer!” And normally, I’d agree with you. But hear me out. Being involved in a behavioral health setting might just change your mind. You might start thinking, “Hey, maybe life is worth living after all.” Revolutionary, I know.

Let’s face it, suicidal ideation is a real buzzkill. But if you have the option of relief through assisted suicide, suddenly the need to end your own life might not seem so urgent. It’s like when you have a really bad headache and you take some aspirin – suddenly the world seems a whole lot brighter.

In conclusion, depression sucks. Suicide sucks even more. But with the option of assisted suicide for those with mental illness, we might just be able to turn that frown upside down. Or, you know, not. But at least we tried!

Serious News: nytimes


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