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Ukraine War Bloopers: Western Buddies Gather in Germany, Russia Plays Dodgeball with its Own City (Live Updates!)

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Kyiv is practically begging for a spot at the cool kids’ table, AKA NATO. President Zelenskyy was practically on his hands and knees during a joint news conference with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, who made a surprise visit to Kyiv (seriously, who doesn’t RSVP these days?). Zelenskyy didn’t just want an invitation to visit the next NATO summit in July, he wanted the whole membership package deal. Talk about being greedy.
But really, Zelenskyy does have a point. There’s absolutely no reason why Ukraine can’t be part of NATO, aside from, you know, the whole active war situation. Despite this, Zelenskyy and his team are confident that Ukraine should be invited to join. They must have a lot of confidence, considering that NATO members Hungary and Turkey are not exactly eager to provoke Russia any further by letting Ukraine join their club.
The NATO Secretary-General wasn’t completely unsupportive, though. He said that NATO will discuss Ukraine’s bid in July and that Ukraine deserves a spot in NATO. But let’s be real, words are just words. It’s not going to be a quick and easy process, and let’s be honest, the invitation might never come.
Who knows? Maybe NATO will have a sudden change of heart and decide to let Ukraine into their exclusive club. But for now, Ukraine will just have to sit at the losers’ table and hope they’ll join the ranks of the popular kids soon enough.

Serious News: cnbc


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