HomeWorldDeSantis in Tokyo: Mysterious on Foreign Policy But Fanboys Over US-Japan Friendship

DeSantis in Tokyo: Mysterious on Foreign Policy But Fanboys Over US-Japan Friendship

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Okay folks, hold on to your hats because we have some news coming out of Tokyo that might surprise you! Mr. DeSantis, in his infinite wisdom, has declared that Japan is a heck of an ally for America. Yes, you heard that right! In a statement to reporters, alongside his loyal wife Casey DeSantis, the man talks about how a strong Japan is good for America and vice versa. Can we get a round of applause for this genius insight?
Hold the phone! Seems like Mr. DeSantis is breaking away from the pack with these comments. That blockhead Donald J. Trump, who’s currently leading in the Republican nomination, had some not-so-nice things to say about Japan in the past. He called out Japan for exploiting its military alliance with the United States for their nefarious “trade policy”- whatever that means. But now DeSantis, proving that he is not one to be caught up in nostalgia, is striking his own path. You gotta hand it to him!
Let’s be real here, y’all. At this point, it seems like Mr. DeSantis is running for president or something. Sure, he’s yet to officially announce it, but all signs point to yes. But the dude’s got his work cut out for him, because lately, his poll numbers have been dropping faster than a lead balloon. Meanwhile, Trump, who was lagging behind DeSantis at one point, is now comfortably ahead. And guess what? Turns out that he’s also got the backing of Florida’s congressional delegation. Ouch, that’s gotta hurt.

Serious News: nytimes


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