HomeOpinionsOpinion | Oops! We Misjudged Prez Biden - Our Bad, America!

Opinion | Oops! We Misjudged Prez Biden – Our Bad, America!

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Picture this – a room full of prestigious journalists, including the legendary Rachel Maddow and even a Pulitzer Prize-winning colleague Maureen Dowd. We were all poised for a meeting with the ultimate king of the castle, the leader of the free world himself. You could practically hear a pin drop as he sauntered into the Roosevelt Room, his every word hanging on every syllable. I mean, he was the leader of the richest and most powerful nation. Talk about impressive credentials! It was pretty clear we were all in total awe.

You know that feeling when you’re meeting someone so important, you suddenly become hyper-aware of every detail around you? Yeah, that was us. We tried to play it cool but inside, we were shrieking like teenage girls at a One Direction concert. Trust me, this guy was top of the food chain in the White House, and he had us all wrapped around his little finger. He could practically see the stars in our eyes reflected back at him, and it only made him even more powerful.

I mean, the man had the power to dictate the fate of nations, and we were just there with our notepads, hoping to catch a glimpse of his wisdom. That’s definitely a power trip. It was clear that he was in it for the long haul, despite all the rumors flying around about him not liking the glitz and glamour of White House life. But hey, who wouldn’t want to be the most important person in the room, day in, day out?

We were all smitten. You could see the admiration written all over our faces. We wanted to ask him everything under the sun, but we were far too nervous to speak. We’d seen him on TV, all business and professionalism, but in person, he was even more intimidating. Our esteemed leader was not one to be trifled with, and we were just trying to keep up with his mental gymnastics.

Overall, it was an experience we’ll never forget. To be in the presence of such a commanding figure was definitely awe-inspiring. We might have been just mere journalists, but we were in the presence of a legend. And honestly, who wouldn’t want to feel that level of power for eight years straight? Despite all the challenges, he definitely made the most of his time as the leader of the free world.

Serious News: nytimes


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