HomePoliticsDebt Ceiling Showdown: False Equivalence Plays Limbo with Our Economy

Debt Ceiling Showdown: False Equivalence Plays Limbo with Our Economy

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Ah, the good old House Republicans – always up for a bit of drama! And by drama, we mean potentially allowing a default if they don’t get their way. Classic. On the other side, Mr. Biden and his team are like, “Hmm, maybe giving in to these guys will just cause more chaos next year.” Can’t argue with that logic!

Instead of throwing in the towel and letting the Republicans have their way, White House aides are considering something a bit more…dramatic. They’re debating whether the President can just act on his own if Congress refuses to play nice. Sounds like the Constitutional equivalent of “I’ll just do it myself then!” Meanwhile, House Democrats are trying to pull off a Hail Mary by forcing a vote on a debt-limit increase that might win support from some Republican moderates. Hey, you never know – stranger things have happened!

According to Catie Edmondson, who knows a thing or two about Capitol Hill, everyone is feeling a bit nervous about these negotiations. The Democrats are like, “We’re not falling for this again like we did in 2011, guys,” and the Republicans are like, “Let’s dig in and fight, consequences be damned!” Yikes, that’s a recipe for disaster, if you ask us. Hold onto your hats, folks – this could get ugly.

Serious News: nytimes


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