Amidst the pandemic, a group of gun-loving, military gear-wearing, and God-fearing acquaintances found companionship on Discord, a platform popular with gamers. Led by their elder leader, “OG”, they formed an invitation-only clubhouse where they swapped memes, offensive jokes, and watched movies together. They even prayed and talked about world affairs and secretive government operations. What could go wrong?
OG claimed to have insider knowledge, secrets that the government withheld from ordinary people. It turned out that OG had a job on a “military base” and spent at least some of his day inside a secure facility. The government prohibited cellphones and other electronic devices that could be used to document secret information.
OG claimed to have brought home near-verbatim transcripts of classified intelligence documents. He annotated some of the hand-typed documents, translating arcane intel-speak for the uninitiated. He even claimed to know that “NOFORN”