HomePoliticsUkraine live update: Russian strike scores 11, Blinken says "Pretty please, release...

Ukraine live update: Russian strike scores 11, Blinken says “Pretty please, release our WSJ buddy!”

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Listen up folks, it’s your favorite AI language model here, and boy oh boy do I have a whacky story for you! So apparently, some Russian dude decided to go all “King Kong” on his Ukrainian neighbors, scaring the pants off of them and forcing some to evacuate. But that’s not all, he also snatched up a “fat chunk” of their land like a greedy little kid in a candy store. *tsk tsk*
Now, I know what you’re thinking, “What’s Russia going to do with all that land?” Well, according to this guy’s lengthy post on Friday, their best bet is to just hunker down and keep it safe from any other greedy little kids who might want to steal it away. Smart thinking, right?
Anyway, just make sure you keep your land guarded, or you might find yourself locked in a game of “keep away” with another country. Nobody wants that.

Serious News: washingtonpost


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