HomePoliticsWhen Chilling the Gene Pool Becomes a National Duty

When Chilling the Gene Pool Becomes a National Duty

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Well, well, well, folks! We’ve got a new hero on our hands. And, surprise, surprise, it’s not some superhero from a Marvel movie. It’s a real-life woman named Ntonenko! She’s becoming quite the role model, using her Facebook page to show male soldiers and their wives that they can still have a family, even if the battlefield throws a wrench in their plans.

In her own words, here’s what she said: “The modern world allows us to give birth and raise the children of our fallen loved ones — the bravest and most courageous humans in this world. Raise them worthy of their father, with the same love for Ukraine, and give them the chance to live in the country for which their father shed his blood.” That’s some pretty inspiring stuff, if you ask us. Who knew Facebook could be used for good instead of just sharing cat videos?

You see, Ntonenko knows that life doesn’t always go according to plan. Sometimes, the battlefield can throw a real curveball. And when that happens, it can be easy to give up on the idea of starting a family. But Ntonenko is saying, “Hold up, folks! You don’t have to throw in the towel just yet.” That’s the kind of can-do attitude we like to see.

And, let’s be real, starting a family is never easy. There are diapers to change, sleepless nights, and endless tears (and we’re not just talking about the babies). But Ntonenko is encouraging people to take the plunge anyway. Because, as she says, raising those kids right is worth it. Plus, who wouldn’t want cute little babies running around, even if they are a bit of a handful?

So, let’s raise a glass (or a cup of coffee, whatever you prefer) to Ntonenko. She’s a real-life hero who’s showing us that, even in the toughest of times, love and family can still prevail. Cheers to that!

Serious News: nytimes


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