HomeOpinionsOpinion | Biden Better Address Age Worries, or He'll Need a Stairlift...

Opinion | Biden Better Address Age Worries, or He’ll Need a Stairlift in the White House!

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Listen up, folks! Only 47 percent of Democrats are down with Joe Biden running for President again in 2024. Now, it’s not because he’s doing a terrible job – Democrats love the man, and he’s getting some seriously good marks for his handling of the economy and foreign relations. But the young’uns are worried that Uncle Joe is just a bit too old to handle the job – I mean, he’ll be 86 by the end of a second term. One dude even told pollsters, “My problem with him running in 2024 is that he’s just so old.”

Now, I know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but come on, guys, let’s be honest – age ain’t just a number. Sure, people age at different rates, and we all know our man Joe isn’t exactly the norm – some say he’s aging backwards like Benjamin Button or something. But still, we gotta acknowledge that there’s some concern there. Even his homie David Axelrod is worried that Biden’s age is going to hurt his chances of a successful second term. You can’t ignore this elephant in the room, Joe!

Let’s get real here, people – Joe Biden is older than dirt. This dude is 80 freakin’ years old. He’s the oldest American to ever serve as President, which is pretty freakin’ impressive, but also a bit concerning. Even if he wants to run for a second term, he’s gotta prove to the voters that he’s up for the challenge. And you best believe that if he’s still in the game, people are going to keep harping on his age until he does something about it.

Age is just a number, they say. But in politics, that number can matter big time. Just take a look at the Senate – the average age is 63.9 years old. That’s basically retirement age! And don’t even get me started on the House – they’re even older, with an average of 57.5 years. I mean, we know politicians like to hang around as long as they possibly can, but at some point, we gotta let the youngins have a shot, amirite? For comparison’s sake, the average age in the United States is 38.8 years.

So, in conclusion – we love you, Joe. You’re a real one. But you gotta give us something. The young folks are fearin’ that you’re just a bit past your prime. We need some reassurance that you can still hang with the big dogs. Maybe join Crossfit or something. Bottom line – age matters in politics, folks. Let’s see what you got, Joe.

Serious News: nytimes


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