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Opinion | Gun Worship Threatens to Shoot Holes in the Case for Firearms

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Alright, folks, let me tell you a story. It’s about me, my kid, and some good old-fashioned guns. You see, when my son started receiving Ku Klux Klan messages, we were a little worried. Maybe they were just being typical harassers or maybe they really meant us harm. So, we called the police and decided to make sure our guns were ready, just in case those hooded goons came around before the cops did.

Lucky for us, they didn’t show up. Maybe the sight of that police car parked outside our home scared them off, who knows? But here’s the thing, I own guns and I support gun rights. Not just for hunting or shooting sports, but for self-defense, too. I’ve always been responsible with firearms, treating them with the respect they deserve. But lately, things have been getting a little weird.

You heard me right, folks, the gun rights movement has taken a turn. What once was a level-headed group of people with a healthy respect for guns has turned into a cult-like obsession. It used to be about defending the right to own guns, but now it’s morphed into a strange form of idol worship. Guns are up there with God and Trump. I mean, what even is that?

But it gets worse, folks. Now we have these jittery, trigger-happy Americans running around with guns like they’re in the wild west. Maybe it’s nerves or fear, but either way, it’s not something we want to see more of. We’ve all heard stories about innocent people getting shot for no reason. A little girl walks into the wrong yard, and boom, she’s shot. It’s ridiculous.

We need to start treating our firearms with the respect they deserve. No more of this “shoot first, ask questions later” mentality. We can’t let fear control our actions. That’s how accidents happen. So, yes, I own a gun, but I also know how to use it responsibly. Let’s focus on defending the right to own guns without glorifying them to the point of insanity. It’s time to put the “common” back in “common sense”.

Serious News: nytimes


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