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Well, well, well. Looks like someone’s been cooking the books! Turns out that the numbers from the previous year were as fake as my grandma’s teeth, which is why the new figures look like skyscrapers. But wait, there’s more!
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2021 has been quite a rollercoaster ride, huh? Families have been getting more moolah than ever before, thanks to multiple stimulus checks and a year spent cooped up at home. So what did they do with all that sweet dough? They went on a shopping spree, baby! Cars, couches, and deck furniture, you name it.
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Now, if there’s one thing worse than my cooking, it’s a pandemic. Unfortunately, the latter happened and it shut down a bunch of factories, leaving us with even less supply than my patience at a DMV. So, it’s no surprise that shipping costs went through the roof, goods became scarce and prices shot up like we were in a rocket ship.
That’s 2021 for you, folks. A year full of surprises, twists, and turns. Who knew that a virus could turn our lives upside down and make us panic-shop like there’s no tomorrow? But don’t worry, folks, we’ll make it through. Just keep holding onto your couches (or as I like to call them, “snack-eating stations”), and brace yourself for whatever curveballs the future may throw our way.
Serious News: nytimes