HomeUncategorizedWhy choosing the outdoor gym over nature's all-inclusive fitness center is a...

Why choosing the outdoor gym over nature’s all-inclusive fitness center is a no-brainer

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Walks amidst nature beat indoor strolls by a long shot, says a recent study. College students donning lab coats took a stroll indoors, then in nature. The results showed that they were more like Einstein after getting some fresh air, as these students concentrated better and responded faster during cognitive tests. Nature’s “soft fascination” entices our ever-churning minds to take a break and truly helps our attention reset. Simply put, nature provides a chill pill while our brain works hard. Now we know why the study is called “Exercising is good for the brain, but exercising outside is potentially better.”

Moving your body in the great outdoors can make even the toughest workouts feel like a breezy walk in the park. In one study, young, inactive individuals with obesity sweated in a gym, then took a walk in a park. This group felt less stressed and enjoyed exercising more with birds chirping and butterflies in sight. In another study, when seniors walked outside, they ended up walking about 30 minutes more per week than their peers stuck indoors. Talk about evidence that exercise can be fun while you’re surrounded by nature’s beauty!

But beware, there’s a catch. If you choose to work out in the harsh concrete jungle, your mind might not feel so zen. Working out in urbanized outdoor settings doesn’t offer the same mental health benefits compared to exercising in green, serene environments like parks and forests. Now you know where to head for a soothing workout.

A good 15-minute stroll through a park or green space appears to be most beneficial for our mental health. Some studies even show that just five minutes can lead to feelings of tranquility. But if the weather or other obstacles confine you indoors, don’t fret. Keep sweating! Exercise, whether it’s indoors or outdoors, is essential for both physical and mental health. Find your happy place and get moving!


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