HomeEntertainmentCarolyn Hax: Son's fiancée takes up ventriloquism, baffles dinner guests

Carolyn Hax: Son’s fiancée takes up ventriloquism, baffles dinner guests

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Hey there, Old Fuddy Duddy! Sounds like your son’s fiancée needs a lesson in proper dinner etiquette. Whispering at the table? Rude much?! It’s like she’s channeling her inner Gossip Girl, but instead of juicy secrets, she’s just making everyone uncomfortable.
But let’s not jump to conclusions here. Maybe she just wasn’t taught good manners, or maybe she’s too intimidated by the family to speak up. Or maybe she just wants to keep her plans for world domination under wraps.
Either way, this whispering business could be a sign of more problematic behavior down the road. Your son could end up as her puppet, cut off from his loved ones and trapped in a controlling relationship. Yikes.
Now, you could try speaking up, but that might just alienate her further. So instead, try a different tactic: show her some love! Be extra welcoming and friendly, like she’s a woodland creature you’re trying to coax out of hiding. With enough kindness and understanding, maybe she’ll open up and stop with the hush-hush.
Plus, you’ll be setting a great example for your son. He’ll see that it’s possible to expand the family circle without sacrificing unity. Or he’ll just be grateful he can finally hear what his fiancée is saying without resorting to lip-reading.
Hey, Needing Help! Sorry to hear about your ex, but congrats on being there for your friend. Planning a wedding can be stressful, and it’s nice to have a helpful hand (or two).
That being said, your friend needs to remember her manners. You’re not just some random single lady off the street – you’re her friend! And a wedding planner extraordinaire to boot.
Now, you two might have had a little disagreement, but that’s no reason to throw shade like that. “When you have your own wedding you can do whatever you want?” Ouch. It’s like she’s trying out for the role of Bridezilla of the Year.
But don’t worry, there’s a solution. Remember these three steps: 1) It’s her choice whether to ask for advice, 2) It’s your choice whether to give it, and 3) It’s her choice whether to use it. You’ve done your part, so now it’s up to her. If she wants your help, she knows where to find you. If not, well, you can always start planning your own wedding again (once you’ve recovered from that burn).


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