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Elon Musk hands Tesla’s reins to his dog while he couch-surfs at Twitter’s crib

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Hey, guys! Are you ready for some laughs? Well, get ready to chuckle, because we’ve got an article that’s sure to tickle your funny bone. So, apparently, the CEO of Twitter, or rather, the leader of Twitter–since Elon Musk has appointed his dog Floki as the new CEO–has addressed a range of topics in an interview with the BBC. Topics covered included the increase of misinformation since he took over and rumors of a family-owned emerald mine, which he denied. Oh, and let’s not forget about his infamous Twitter controversies. Musk admitted that he probably shouldn’t tweet after 3 a.m. No duh, Musk! Who hasn’t regretted tweeting after a late-night Taco Bell run?

During his first six months in charge of Twitter, Elon Musk cut costs aggressively and laid off two-thirds of the staff. Ouch! That had to hurt. But hey, “all’s well that ends well,” right? Well, let’s hope so.

Under Musk, Twitter has leaned into a subscription model that offers its blue check mark for users willing to pay $8, and he’s eliminated many safeguards aimed at spotting impersonators and muting accounts that spread misinformation. Sounds like Musk is playing fast and loose with the rules. What could go wrong?

Despite the changes, Musk’s interviewed defended them, including the layoffs he said were necessary to keep the company afloat. Twitter is now down to 1,500 employees from over 7,000 before the sale. That’s a lot of employees to cut. Talk about a slimmed-down team.

Musk acknowledged that the company has experienced some serious problems under his leadership, including the shutdown of a Twitter data center in December that led to problems with the company’s servers. Oops! That’s not great, especially for a tech giant like Twitter.

But on a more positive note, Twitter is breaking even financially, advertisers are returning to the site, and Twitter usage and growth are satisfactory. See, it’s not all bad news.

During his interview with the BBC, Musk grew agitated when the journalist asked about the rise of misinformation and hate speech on the site. He demanded an example but didn’t get one. Musk’s takeover of Twitter has also apparently fueled an increase in racist tweets. Yikes!

Despite all of the drama, Musk managed to maintain a sense of humor during the interview, making jokes about his dog Floki’s promotion to CEO. Honestly, with all the chaos going on, we think maybe Floki would do a better job at running Twitter.

In summary, Elon Musk’s tenure as CEO of Twitter has been a wild ride, to say the least. From layoffs to subscription models to the appointment of a dog as CEO, we’re honestly not sure what’s next. But one thing’s for sure: we’re constantly entertained. Thanks for the laughs, Musk. Keep ’em coming.


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