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Opinion | Stubborn and Sassy, I’m Armed with Banjos and BBQ to Battle for Tennessee

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In the wake of the school shooting, a trio of near-centenarians, Hallie Scruggs, Evelyn Dieckhaus, and William Kinney, are feeling a bit shaken up. They’re not ones for just sitting around and moping though – these folks want action, and they want it now!

As I strolled up to the State House for my daily grind, I couldn’t help but notice the countless youth protesters lining the streets. Signs everywhere were asking the all-important question, “Am I next?” But let’s be real here, aren’t we all feeling a little antsy when it comes to the safety of our schools?

These three old-timers are no spring chickens, but they’re still as feisty as ever. They’re not about to let their beloved community become a breeding ground for gun violence. No sir, not on their watch!

I can’t help but admire the determination and vigor these seniors possess. I mean, they’ve seen it all – world wars, civil rights movements, disco – they’re not about to be scared off by a little thing like gun-toting maniacs.

But seriously, it’s not just about these three spry folks. We all deserve to live without fear of violence, especially when it comes to our schools. These protesters are making their voices heard, and it’s time for the rest of us to join in and demand change!


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