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Opinion | The Ultimate Guide to Not Starting a Pillow Fight with China

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Well, well, well, looks like fentanyl is out there killing Americans left and right. Thousands of them, mind you. And yet, for some reason, it’s not receiving the attention it so rightfully deserves. I mean, come on people, we’re losing a hefty amount of our population here! Wake up and smell the roses!

It’s tough to comprehend why fentanyl isn’t front-and-center on the bilateral agenda. Maybe our leaders have more pressing matters to attend to, like figuring out who ate the last slice of pizza in the break room. Or maybe they’re just really, really bad at math and can’t grasp the concept of thousands of deaths. Who knows?

But seriously, let’s not brush this under the rug like it’s no big deal. Fentanyl is serious business. We’re not talking about petty crimes here, folks. This is life and death we’re dealing with. So let’s raise some awareness, do our part, and make sure our lawmakers get their act together.

We need to start treating this issue with the seriousness it deserves. We can’t just sit back and watch as fentanyl takes more and more lives. It’s time to take action, people! Call your representatives, spread the word, and let’s put an end to this carnage once and for all. Because honestly, we’ve got better things to do than mourn lost loved ones. Like binge-watching The Office on Netflix.


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