HomeBussinessTax Day Approaches: Procrastinators, Assemble for Last-Minute Tips!

Tax Day Approaches: Procrastinators, Assemble for Last-Minute Tips!

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Ah, the American opportunity credit! It’s like getting a $2,500 high-five for spending money on tuition, books, and fees during your first four years of higher education. Unfortunately, it doesn’t cover the cost of your luxurious living expenses or your very own private jet.

But, fear not my education-hungry friends! The lifetime learning credit is worth up to $2,000 or 20% of the first $10,000 you spend on education expenses. So, basically, it’s like getting a pat on the back and a $2,000 check for being a lifelong learner. Just don’t try to use it to buy a yacht because, once again, it doesn’t cover living expenses or transportation.

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably wondering if you’re eligible for these sweet, sweet education credits. Well, the good news is that you don’t have to call a psychic hotline to find out! Just check your eligibility for these and other education credits here. It’s like taking a Buzzfeed quiz, but with fewer questions and more boring information.

Overall, these education credits are like winning the lottery, except instead of cash, you get to feel smug about being educated. So, dust off that old textbook and get ready to cash in on the American dream (of education credits)!


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