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“Why Toning that Booty in the Great Outdoors Trumps the Stuffy Gym Any Day”

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Get ready to have a good chuckle while learning about exercising outside versus inside. According to a recent study, students who exercised outside performed better on cognitive tests than those who exercised indoors. It seems that nature is just what the doctor ordered for calming our overactive minds. And forget “hard fascination”, nature provides “soft fascination” that doesn’t require constant intellectual processing, which is perfect for those of us with overtaxed attention spans.

But wait, there’s more! Nature can make exercise feel less daunting and more enjoyable. A study from China found that young, inactive people with obesity enjoyed exercise more when they walked outside in a park or gym on alternate days. And in a previous study of older men and women, those who walked outside voluntarily exercised for about 30 minutes more during the week than their indoor walking counterparts.

Even strenuous exercise can feel easier and more enjoyable when performed in a glorious outdoor setting. A study in Innsbruck found that a group of healthy and lucky volunteers felt less strenuous and happier when hiking in the mountains than hiking on a treadmill in the gym. It turns out that hiking in the mountains requires more physical exertion, but it doesn’t feel that way when you’re surrounded by the beauty of nature.

But don’t go exercising outdoors in your concrete jungle just yet. Researchers found that exercising in urbanized outdoor settings tends to be less beneficial for your mental health than similar exercise in greener, untrammeled environments like parks and forests. It also turns out that the length and intensity of green exercise can count too. According to one review, people felt considerably more tranquil after walking or gently jogging for about 15 minutes through parks or similar spaces, but less so when the exercise lasted for 40 minutes or longer.

In summary, 15 minutes of green exercise seems to be the sweet spot, but even five minutes can be beneficial. And if you can’t make it outside due to weather, schedules or just plain laziness, don’t sweat it. Exercise is good for us no matter where we do it. So, keep moving and don’t forget to have a good laugh while doing it.


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