HomePoliticsIn a Bizarre Twist, Montana G.O.P. Hopes to Outwit Senate Race with...

In a Bizarre Twist, Montana G.O.P. Hopes to Outwit Senate Race with Rule-Bending Shenanigans

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Are you ready to laugh your way through this article about a proposed bill? Great, because buckle up, folks, we’re about to take a ride on the wild side of politics. According to reports, Mr. Hertz wants to test out a new bill that would only apply to the upcoming Senate race. Why just the Senate race, you ask? Well, because he’s a smart cookie, and he wants to make sure it works before he expands it to other races.

You know what they say: “If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again!” Mr. Hertz seems to be taking that saying to heart by proposing a bill that would mirror California’s primary system. That’s right, folks, we’re talking about putting all the candidates from all the parties on the same ballot. What could possibly go wrong?

Oh boy, are we in for a treat if this bill passes. According to reports, the top two vote-getters would face off in the general election. Can you imagine what that would be like? It would be like watching a reality TV show, but instead of fighting over roses, the candidates are fighting for a spot on the ballot.

But in all seriousness, we have to give props to Mr. Hertz for thinking outside the box. He’s like a mad scientist, and this bill is his latest experiment. The only question is, will it blow up in his face, or will it be the breakthrough he’s been waiting for?

Only time will tell if this bill passes, but one thing’s for sure, it’s going to be a wild ride. Will we see Democrats, Republicans, and Independents clashing on the same ballot? Who knows, but we do know one thing for sure: it’s going to be entertaining. So, grab your popcorn, folks, and get ready for the show.

Serious News: nytimes


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