HomeHealthMyth or Fact? Gobbling Local Honey for Seasonal Allergies: Doc Says, "Eh,...

Myth or Fact? Gobbling Local Honey for Seasonal Allergies: Doc Says, “Eh, it’s Complicated!”

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Listen up folks, because we’ve got a myth to bust. You may have heard that eating local honey can cure your seasonal allergies, but hold on to your hive hats, because the truth isn’t so sweet. According to AAFA, the pollen in honey changes during bees’ digestion process, so chowing down on local honey may not provide the allergy relief you’ve been buzzing about.

But wait, don’t swat away that sweet treat just yet. Our medical expert and board-certified family medicine doctor, Dr. Timothy Wong, says the answer isn’t as simple as a yes or no. Now, we know what you’re thinking – what about clinical trials, evidence, and all that jazz? Wong tells CNBC Make It that unfortunately, non-medication-based treatments don’t get as much research funding. So, there aren’t a lot of in-depth studies on the effects of local honey on allergy symptoms.

Although the pool of research may be small, some small studies have been conducted to test this myth. In a 2002 study of 36 participants with allergies, it was found that eating local, unfiltered honey had no significant effect on allergy symptoms in comparision to those who did not eat it. However, a 2013 study with 40 participants found that eating honey daily (in addition to taking allergy medication when needed) was associated with fewer allergy symptoms at the eight-week mark, compared to taking medication alone.

Now, you may be thinking, how much honey should I chow down on and when should I start? Well, hold your horses, you overzealous allergy sufferers. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, and no, you shouldn’t stuff your face with honeycombs. As for when to start? How about now? Or not. Honestly, we’re not doctors, but Dr. Wong suggests that if you do want to try the honey method, start small and see if it works for you. Because, let’s face it, nobody wants to be known as the person who ate too much honey and got stuck in their own hive.

So, there you have it, folks. The truth about local honey and its alleged allergy-curing capabilities. While the studies may be small, there is some evidence to suggest that it could work for some people. But, as always, it’s best to consult with your own doctor before giving it a whirl. And, remember, just because honey is sweet, doesn’t mean it can solve all your problems. But we won’t judge you if you still want to try it – after all, it’s the bee’s knees.

Serious News: cnbc


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