HomeTechnologyPiper Sandler declares generative A.I. the next $100 billion tech fiesta, unveils...

Piper Sandler declares generative A.I. the next $100 billion tech fiesta, unveils stocks to ride the wave

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Buckle up, folks, because according to a new report, the world of search advertising and enterprise applications is about to blow up like a fireworks factory in a heat wave. Yes, you heard it right: $47 billion and $53 billion, respectively, by 2030. That’s a lot of dough, and I’m not talking about the pizza I just ordered.

Apparently, we can thank large language models for this explosion, meaning those big fancy AI language tools that are usually reserved for big tech companies with deep pockets. But now, even us common folk can get a piece of the pie, or in this case, the advertising revenue. Brace yourself for 2023 and 2024, because that’s when all the fun is going to start.

So, what does this mean for investors? Well, some people are already making smart picks, like Piper Sandler. They’ve got their fingers on the pulse and have made some Wall Street bets accordingly. It’s like they can see the future, except without a crystal ball or time travel.

In case you haven’t heard the mumblings in Silicon Valley, generative AI is making big waves in the tech sector. Companies are falling over themselves trying to figure out how to harness this power to improve their businesses. Even Amazon is joining the party, working on large language models that could potentially revolutionize the “customer experience.” I don’t know about you, but I’m excited to see what Amazon has up its sleeves. Hopefully not more of those weird dog-like robots.

Piper Sandler has also listed some companies to keep your eye on, like Microsoft and Alphabet. Sure, they may not be as cool as Elon Musk launching a rocket into space, but they’re still holding their own in the AI race. Nvidia is also a big player, with its almost monopoly on graphics processing units. Its shares have risen like a helium balloon, but apparently, that’s justified. Who knew chips could be so lucrative?

But let’s not forget about the underdogs. Snowflake is another company that’s been named a potential winner in the AI race, with a history in AI-driven data applications that should make them a “key enabler of ML workflows & model development.” And even language-learning software Duolingo is getting in on the action, with their strong investment in AI capabilities. Who says you can’t teach an old app new tricks?

So, there you have it, folks. The future is looking bright, at least for search advertising and enterprise applications. Who knows, maybe AI will even find me a date. Hey, stranger things have happened.

Serious News: cnbc


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