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What Shields Fox News in the Dominion Trial Also Defends Our Laughocracy – The New Quirk Times

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Well, well, well. Dominion’s got a bone to pick with Fox News, and it’s not looking good for them. Apparently, those machines didn’t play favorites in the 2020 election after all. But what’s really got everyone’s attention is whether Fox News knew they were spewing falsehoods or just had their heads buried so deep in the sand they couldn’t tell up from down. Talk about a tough call for the jury. They must be sweating bullets trying to decide whether Fox’s actual malice is to blame for all this mess.

It’s a real head-scratcher that Dominion’s lawsuit made it this far. But with all the juicy emails, texts, and other evidence against Fox, it’s no wonder they’re biting their nails down to nubs. The internal chaos at Fox about their 2020 election coverage is about as obvious as a zit on prom night. But to pin them for actual malice? That’s a whole ‘nother can of worms. Dominion has got to prove that Fox not only screwed up, but they were also fully aware of how bad they screwed up. It’s like they’re trying to make a kangaroo jump through a hoop of fire. Good luck with that.

It seems kinda fishy that despite all the damning evidence against Fox, Dominion is still trudging uphill into battle. But it’s actually a good thing for our democracy. Wait, what? Hear me out. Proving actual malice is hard as heck. Dominion has to climb Mount Everest in flip-flops without oxygen to win this case. But that means you can’t accuse someone of harming your reputation unless you can prove without a doubt they did it on purpose. It’s like trying to blame your dog for eating your homework just because you don’t understand calculus. Thanks to the Supreme Court back in 1964, you can’t sue someone for being stupid or wrong. What a concept.

Hold on to your britches, folks. There seems to be a movement afoot to reverse this legal shield because some people think it gives the liberal media a license to deceive. News flash, people: it ain’t that simple. The idea behind these protections is to encourage free speech and healthy debate without fear of being sued every time you open your mouth. But some folks think these protections are only for the liberal media, like it’s some sort of secret society. They’re so paranoid that they might as well start wearing tinfoil hats. Even some judges and two Supreme Court justices have got their undies in a bunch over this. It’s a circus, I tell ya. A real three-ring circus.

Serious News: nytimes


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