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Top 10 Cities to Find a Remote Job: Because Why Let Geography Kill Your Work-From-Home Vibes?

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Hey there, folks! Did you know that some cities in the good ol’ U.S. of A are more flexible with working remotely than others? It’s true! And we’ve got the deets.

According to a market analytics firm with access to job postings all across the nation, the number one spot to find a job with remote flexibility is none other than Lansing, Michigan! As of February 2023, a whopping 39% of job descriptions are explicitly stating that people can work from home. Who needs a fancy office when you can work in your pajamas, amirite?

But wait, there’s more! Coming in hot at second place is Topeka, Kansas with 32% of current job openings boasting about their work-from-home options. Who knew Kansas would be ahead of the curve like this?

Now, you may be thinking, “Hey, what about major cities like San Francisco and Washington, D.C.?” Don’t worry, honey, they made the list too. San Fran has 30% of its job openings offering remote work, and our nation’s capital, D.C., snags sixth place with 27%.

It turns out that cities with more white-collar and government jobs have a better track record for offering remote work, according to a Ph.D. candidate at the London School of Economics and Political Science. And as for tech hubs like San Francisco and Reston, Virginia? Yup, they’re up there too.

But don’t think that remote work is only for the lucky few in certain cities. In fact, as more businesses realize that hybrid and remote work is the “new normal,” we should see an increase in these options being offered to new hires throughout 2023. Can we get an “amen” for that, please?

And when it comes to international comparisons, it seems our friends up north in Canada and down under in Australia and New Zealand are all hovering around the 11% to 12% mark for offering remote jobs. But the U.K.? Oh, they’re leading the pack with 18%. Fancy that!

Now, we know you’re dying to know the current state of remote work in the U.S. So, let us fill you in: As of January, 13% of full-time American workers are fully remote, 28% have a hybrid setup, and a whopping 59% are back in the office full-time. Yikes!

But don’t stress too much, my friends. Just keep your eyes peeled for those remote job openings and who knows, you could be joining the work-in-your-pajamas gang in no time. Cheers to that!

Serious News: cnbc


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