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What the Top Dogs of Delta and Booking.com Spill the Beans on: The Hilarious Fortune You’ll Be Coughing Up for Airfare and Hotel Prices This Summer

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Are you tired of not having any experiences? Well, apparently consumers have gone three whole years without having the time of their lives, and even last summer was a bust. Who knew? Delta Airlines CEO Ed Bastian certainly did, and he’s not afraid to share it on “Squawk Box.” He says that last summer was a struggle with all the uncertainty around Covid and people having to test to get back into the country. But don’t worry, that’s all “through,” or so he thinks.
But wait, there’s more! Despite the fact that airline stocks are taking a huge hit due to rising fuel and labor costs, Delta isn’t sweating it. In fact, during their earnings call on April 13, company president Glen Hauenstein bragged about how they’re seeing “record advance bookings for the summer.” That’s right, people are throwing caution to the wind (and their wallets) and booking flights like there’s no tomorrow. March advance cash bookings are up nearly 20% compared to 2019 levels.
And if you’re one of those people itching to get your passport stamped, you’re not alone. According to Bastian, international flights are where it’s at. People are willing to do anything to get back the experiences they’ve lost over the last several years. We’re talking swimming with sharks, eating snails with fork and knife, and maybe even sneaking a kiss under the Eiffel Tower. Anything to feel alive again.
So there you have it folks, the world may be a dumpster fire in some ways, but at least there’s hope for our lackluster social lives. Book that flight, pack your bags, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime (or at least a really good story to tell at your next awkward family gathering). Delta Airlines is ready to take you to that exotic destination you’ve been dreaming of. As long as you’re willing to pay the price (literally and figuratively), the sky’s the limit!

Serious News: cnbc


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