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Stashing Cash for a Down Payment and Retirement, All at Once? It’s Like Juggling Chainsaws!

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Are you tired of renting? Want to own something that’s actually worth bragging about? Look no further than homeownership! Not only does it make you feel fancy, but it also forces you to save money – even if you’d rather spend it on avocado toast.

According to Jordan Nietzel of Trek Wealth Planning, owning a home for 30 years can lead to a $100,000-plus asset that you fully own. That’s enough money to buy at least 10,000 avocado toasts – or maybe even upgrade to a house with an avocado orchard.

But wait, there’s more! Homeownership also comes with tax benefits that can help offset retirement costs. You could qualify for a tax exclusion up to $250,000 in capital gains on real estate – or up to $500,000 for you and your spouse, if you’re into that kind of thing.

Let’s say you bought a property for $1 million and sold it for $1.5 million. You could put that $500,000 difference towards retirement. And who needs a 401(k) when you can put all your money into a house?

But hold up, financial planners have some advice for the first-time buyers out there. While it’s great to save for a home, it can hurt the long-term value of your retirement fund. So if you’re scrimping and saving for a down payment, you might not be contributing as much to your 401(k) as you should be. Unless you plan on eating avocado toast for every meal in retirement, it’s something to consider.

Serious News: nytimes


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