HomePoliticsTrump's Fund-Raising: From Sloth-like to Speedy Gonzales After Indictment

Trump’s Fund-Raising: From Sloth-like to Speedy Gonzales After Indictment

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Let me tell you a little something about our dear ol’ Trumpy. Ever since his indictment in March, the guy has been raking in the dough like it’s going out of style. $15 million in just a few weeks? That’s more than I make in a lifetime of wearing thrift store clothes (which, granted, is a choice, but still).
I mean, sure, the campaign had been a little slow to start. Like, snail’s pace slow. But as soon as the news hit about his indictment, it was like a lightning bolt struck and suddenly everyone was throwing money at him like he was a one-man parade. The man knows how to turn an indictment into a cash cow, let me tell ya.
Now, obviously we won’t know exactly how much moolah he’s raked in until the next quarterly filing, but the early numbers are pretty impressive. Over 300,000 individual donations? That’s, like, a whole lot of people who need to take an economics class or something. And guess what? The vast majority of those donations were under $200. I guess the rich folks aren’t as eager to hand over their money to a guy who’s been indicted (shocker, I know).
But listen, it’s not just about the money (even though, let’s be real, it partly is). What’s really impressive is the way his supporters have rallied around him. I mean, I’m guessing most of them think “indictment” means “made of pure gold” or something, but hey, at least they’re enthusiastic. They see it as a political move against their guy, and they’re not gonna take it lying down.
So, say what you will about the guy (and trust me, there’s A LOT to say), but you gotta admit he knows how to turn a bad situation into a naising (sorry, I couldn’t resist) bonanza. Maybe he should write a book or something: “How to Get Indicted and Still Make Bank.” It could be a best-seller.

Serious News: nytimes


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