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Ben & Jerry’s Scoopers Churn Up a Plan to Freeze Out Management with Company’s First Union

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Ben & Jerry’s workers in Burlington, Vermont are making headlines for their decision to unionize. It seems the hippie founders of the ice cream company have attracted a group of employees who want to ensure their rights are protected as they dish out Half Baked and Cherry Garcia. In a letter addressed to co-founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, workers wrote that they embody the company’s slogan of “peace, love, and ice cream” and that forming a union will guarantee their irrefutable rights. Will the company respond with a calming bowl of Americone Dream or a frozen flurry of struggle? We’ll just have to wait and see.

Apparently, the push to unionize began on April 3, also known as Free Cone Day. As the company gave out free scoops of ice cream, management took away the tip jar, leaving workers feeling a bit salty. The jar was eventually returned after workers protested, but the movement to unionize had already taken hold. All 37 scoopers have pledged support for the cause in Burlington, which is well above the typically required 30% of eligible employees needed to qualify for a federally recognized union election.

If the workers succeed in their union drive, they will be the first among Ben & Jerry’s U.S. locations to do so. It will definitely be a test of the company’s values, according to workers. However, the company itself has not yet made a statement on the unionization efforts. We can only hope that the company’s commitment to social justice extends to its employees and their right to organize.

It seems that Ben & Jerry’s is not alone in facing a rise in workers filing for union elections in the U.S. labor movement. Other high-profile companies, such as Starbucks and Trader Joe’s, have also faced union campaigns recently. Perhaps it’s the young, college-educated workers with leftist politics that they’re hiring. Who knows? But one thing’s for sure, it’s becoming a trend with employers taking a strong stance against labor organizing and the scrappy unions fighting back.

Regardless of their stance, we can all agree that Ben & Jerry’s has always been an iconic brand. From its zany ice cream flavors to its commitment to social justice causes, the company has always known how to make a statement. Now, its workers are making their own statement and hoping for a seat at the table with management. Who knows what’ll come of it, but until then, we’ll keep enjoying our Phish Food and Chocolate Fudge Brownie.

Serious News: washingtonpost


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