HomePoliticsMAGA World's Legal Battles Hit Trump-sized Wall, Courtesy of The Washington Post

MAGA World’s Legal Battles Hit Trump-sized Wall, Courtesy of The Washington Post

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So, you know how Trump is always talking about how powerful he is? Well, turns out that if he showed some classified documents to his cronies, that could be a big problem. Like, Espionage Act big. And it seems like this guy named Smith is getting pretty close to wrapping up his investigation. The Times reported that they’ve chatted with basically everyone who knows anything about these documents. Look out, Trump – your karma might finally be catching up to you.

Now, I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve always thought Trump was a bit of a know-it-all. Like, just because you get to be president for a little while doesn’t mean you’re some kind of god, you know? Anyway, back to the point: this whole document fiasco could really come back to bite him in the butt. If he was letting other people in on some sensitive info, that’s a no-no. And it seems like the investigators are closing in on the truth. Good luck explaining yourself, Donny boy!

The New York Times has been on this story like a bulldog on a bone. They’ve talked to pretty much everyone who could have something to say about these documents. Which basically means that they’re building a case against Trump like nobody’s business. I mean, if this was a game of Clue, it would be pretty obvious who the suspect was at this point. Colonel Trump, in the Oval Office, with the classified documents. Case closed.

Honestly, I’m just glad someone is finally holding Trump accountable for his actions. I mean, he got away with so much stuff during his presidency that it’s honestly kind of hilarious to see him squirm a little. And if he’s actually punished for this whole document thing, well, let’s just say that would be the cherry on top. Justice may be blind, but it still knows how to serve up some sweet, sweet comeuppance.

So, to sum up: Trump might be in some pretty hot water if he showed some classified docs to his buddies. A dude named Smith is almost done investigating this mess, and it seems like he’s talked to everyone except for the teeny-tiny minority that doesn’t know about it. The New York Times is all over this like a cheap suit, which basically means that Trump is toast. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if this whole fiasco becomes a blockbuster movie one day. The title? “To Serve President Trump.” Yikes.

Serious News: washingtonpost


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