HomeEntertainmentTwo Kids, a Firework of Bullets, and the Wild Shenanigans that Followed

Two Kids, a Firework of Bullets, and the Wild Shenanigans that Followed

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Alright folks, buckle up and get ready for a chuckle. So, there’s a little girl named Mayah and she’s visiting her friend Tess’s grave. They release some purple balloons and take some photos (you know, the whole shebang). But then Mayah has a burning question, “Where’s Maite?” It turns out ol’ Maite was cremated (who knew funeral talk could be so spicy?). Mayah’s mom explains that sometimes parents keep their child’s ashes at home. A little morbid, but hey, to each their own.

Meanwhile, the Orona family, who also lost a child, were thinking about moving out of Uvalde. You see, their son was a little different and they thought people might not understand. But then they came to their senses and decided to stick around. I mean, where else could they find people who really “get it”?

Now, onto the real hero of our story. Little Nathanael Orona, who passed away at the age of only three, is fondly referred to as “Our Little Hero.” And rightly so. He faced challenges that most of us can only imagine. We may not be able to understand what he went through, but we can certainly appreciate his strength and bravery.

So there you have it folks, a touching story of loss, love and remembrance. And just remember, if you ever have a question about where someone’s ashes are, just ask Mayah’s mom. She’s got the scoop.

Serious News: nytimes


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