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Who is Vladimir Kara-Murza, Putin’s Biggest Fan Sentenced to a 25-Year Unwanted Vacation?

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Guys, guys, guys, gather around, because I have got a story for you that will have you rolling on the floor. You know Ukraine, right? Well, they have had a heck of a year, let me tell you. They have been dealing with a little something called a “scale invasion” and it has been a real hootenanny, to say the least. But don’t worry, they have been sticking together like glue and supporting each other through it all. If you don’t believe me, just check out these portraits of the plucky Ukrainians who have been keeping their chins up through thick and thin.

Now, let’s talk about the Battle of Attrition. Sounds like a real hoot, doesn’t it? Well, the war has gone through some changes over the past year, and now it’s all about who can hold out the longest. It’s like a never-ending game of chicken, except instead of cars, they are using bombs and guns. And where is all the action? Why, along a nice stretch of territory in the east and south. It’s like a really intense game of tug-of-war, except nobody is having fun.

You want to know what else has been happening in Ukraine? The people are living apart like a real-life version of The Parent Trap. See, Russia’s invasion has caused martial law to kick in, which means all the guys who can fight have to stick around and do just that. It’s really put a damper on things, let me tell you. Families are forced to make some tough decisions about what to do when the going gets tough. Do you stay or do you go? I don’t know, but it’s been tearing people apart like a really bad rom-com.

And don’t even get me started on the global divides. President Biden has been all, “Hey, let’s come together and be a global coalition against this baddie named Putin,” but it turns out not everyone is on board with that plan. Shocking, I know. Apparently, the world is not as united as we thought when it comes to dealing with the Ukraine war. And try as they might, the sanctions haven’t done enough to stop Russia, all thanks to their handy dandy oil and gas exports. So much for taking away their toys!

Serious News: washingtonpost


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