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20-year-old woman’s GPS leads to the Pearly Gates after wrong driveway fiasco, police report

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Well, folks, buckle up for a story that will leave you scratching your head. According to reports, a group of friends in Upstate New York found themselves in hot water when they accidentally pulled into the wrong driveway while searching for a friend’s house. Sounds innocent enough, right? But this is where things take a turn for the tragic. You see, the homeowner, a grumpy old man of 65 years, charged out onto his porch and fired not one, but two shots – one of which struck and killed 20-year-old Kaylin Gillis. Can anyone say ‘overreaction’?
Apparently, the group of friends realized their mistake and were trying to back out of the driveway when the old man, Kevin Monahan, decided to play Clint Eastwood and shoot up the place like it was the Wild West. None of the friends had even left the car or made any move to enter Monahan’s house before he started blasting away. Police later confirmed that there was absolutely no reason for Monahan to feel threatened. Oopsie – looks like someone needs to work on their aim and their anger issues.
Though Monahan has been charged with second-degree murder, the whole situation is just plain sad. Gillis was “an innocent young girl” who was taken way too soon, and nobody can make sense of why this tragedy occurred. Meanwhile, Monahan is rotting away in a county jail, presumably without access to his beloved firearm.
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. Just a few days prior, a 16-year-old boy was shot and injured in Kansas City when he mistakenly went to the wrong house to pick up his siblings. Of course, there was a racial component to that case, which has sparked protests. But in this case, both Gillis and Monahan are white. It just goes to show that the world is sometimes a confusing and unpredictable place.
Monahan’s lawyer says it was all just a series of errors that led to a tragedy, but everyone else is left wondering why anyone would ever react so violently to an innocent mistake. As the dust settles and the case goes to trial, all we can do is mourn the loss of a young life and find solace in the fact that the rest of us can still drive down our own damn driveways without fear of getting shot.

Serious News: washingtonpost


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