HomePoliticsAnxiety Over Democracy Seeks Couples Therapy - The Washington Post

Anxiety Over Democracy Seeks Couples Therapy – The Washington Post

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Hold onto your hats folks, it looks like Americans are turning to some questionable news sources for their information! But hey, at least they can feel patriotic while doing it, am I right? If you’re one of these people, fear not fellow confused citizen, we’ve got you covered with our daily newsletter that will help you make sense of it all. ArrowRight.

Republican Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been giving the left quite the headache with her recent comments about political differences being between “normal” and “crazy.” Mainstream media is starting to echo this sentiment and it’s got them all hot and bothered! They can’t seem to stop implying that anyone who supports Trump is a racist or “semi-fascist.” But let’s be real here, who wants to be normal anyways?

Last year, CNN’s Don Lemon summed it up perfectly when he said, “We cannot have a false sense of equivalency about what is happening when it comes to politics in our country.” Well, duh. Everyone knows there’s only one party that’s not operating in fact and is continually misleading the American people, and it’s the Republican Party. But hey, what do I know? I’m just a lowly journalist.

Now, I’m sure you’re all shocked to hear this, but it turns out that both Democrats and Republicans agree that democracy is “in danger of collapse.” However, they can’t seem to agree on who to blame for it. Surprise, surprise. Democrats are pointing their fingers at former President Donald J. Trump and his “MAGA Republicans,” while Republicans are blaming President Biden and the “socialist Democrats.” Ah, politics. Where would we be without it?

So, some people (not naming any names here!) seem to think that the Democratic Party is a more enduring danger than the Republican Party. Apparently, the Democratic Party’s socialist-style tilt is the cause of all our problems, not the Republican Party’s shift. I mean, hello, have you heard of progressivism and “democratic socialism?” These policies are practically tearing us apart at the seams!

It’s no secret that both political parties have gone a little crazy lately. I mean, come on, how did we go from Barry Goldwater and George McGovern to Donald Trump and Barack Obama? But let’s be real, it’s not just the politicians, it’s the voters too. We love taking risks on the more nontraditional candidate, and that’s why we keep ending up with these wild cards in the White House.

The left is working hard to make us all believe that traditional conservatism, infused with Trumpist authoritarianism, is a radical danger to democracy. I mean, how dare conservatives oppose abortion or men dressing as women for “story hours”? That’s practically the same thing as being a member of the KKK, right? Oh, and don’t even get me started on the Jim Crow era comparison. It’s all just a bunch of spin, folks.

But the real kicker here is that in the 2022 midterms, Americans cast more votes for the allegedly fascist and bigoted GOP than Democrats. So clearly, most voters are not buying into the whole threat to democracy narrative. But that’s not stopping some people from trying to demonize patriotic Americans who support Trump or his issues. It’s like, can’t we all just get along and agree to disagree?

Look, it’s no secret that Trump’s post-election behavior has been shameful. The man simply cannot accept defeat. But let’s not go crazy here and impugn all Americans who associate with him. Trump may be a blustering demagogue, but he’s not some military revolutionary. And he shouldn’t be denied the presidency just because he’s dangerous or because of some silly indictments. He just wasn’t cut out for the job, end of story.

In conclusion, both political parties have grown more extreme and that’s got people a little worried. But by singling out the modern GOP, it seems like the left is just trying to demonize anyone who supports Trump or his issues. And is that really how we’re going to define the preservation of democracy? Seems a little extreme to me. But what do I know? I’m just a humble journalist.

Serious News: washingtonpost


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