HomePoliticsEx-cardinal McCarrick on a Sinning Spree: Bags Second Criminal Sex Charge, This...

Ex-cardinal McCarrick on a Sinning Spree: Bags Second Criminal Sex Charge, This Time in Wisconsin

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Well, well, well, looks like Cardinal Theodore McCarrick has gotten himself into quite the pickle. The man is facing misdemeanor charges for allegedly fondling an 18-year-old without their consent in 1977. Yikes! Talk about a blast from the past. But hold on, that’s not all folks! The accuser happens to be the same person who reported that McCarrick molested them at a wedding reception in 1974 at Wellesley College. Time to face the music, pal.
But wait, how can this even be possible? With statutes of limitations and all that? Oh, well, turns out, states have laws that put the clock on hold if the accused hasn’t lived or been in that state. Who knew? Not McCarrick, that’s for sure.
Now, before you start feeling sorry for him, let’s take a look at the facts. Fourteen minors and at least five adults, including clergy and seminarians, have accused him of sexual misconduct. Talk about a high score! This news shocked the church and lead to McCarrick being the first cardinal ever laicized. The situation is not looking good for good old Theodore.
But hold on a second, McCarrick claims he has significant, worsening, and irreversible dementia that makes it impossible for him to help in his own defense. Oh, really? Let me tell you, the closer you get to the trial, the more likely you claim incompetency, buddy. Nice try.
Now for the juicy details, the complaint states that McCarrick and the victim were swimming off a dock at Lake Geneva, a resort area in southern Wisconsin, in April 1977. McCarrick proceeded to fondle the victim without their permission in the water. Uh, Cardinal McCarrick, that’s not how you make friends. And here’s the cherry on top, the victim claimed McCarrick had previously sexually assaulted them numerous times. Holy moly, that’s not good.
McCarrick’s attorneys are keeping quiet, but Massachusetts prosecutors are seeking their own expert analysis of his mental health. Looks like the Cardinal is flapping in the wind. Let’s see how this all pans out. Stay tuned folks!

Serious News: washingtonpost


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