HomePoliticsFeisty Debates at GWU: Should Campus Cops Carry Water Guns or Real...

Feisty Debates at GWU: Should Campus Cops Carry Water Guns or Real Ones?

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Well folks, looks like the debate over whether or not campus police should be packing heat is heating up! On one side of the argument are the law enforcement officials who feel like they need to be armed to protect themselves and the students. On the other side are the students and neighbors who are suspicious of the police and think that arming them would be a bad idea.

In fact, a group of students at George Washington University recently protested outside of the university president’s house, shouting “No guns for GWPD!” They were joined by more than 100 people, some carrying signs that read “Guns off my campus!” These protesters were not messing around, folks.

But despite the backlash, university president Mark S. Wrighton is moving forward with his plan to arm around 20 specially trained supervisors on a police force that includes around 50 officers. The university, which has campuses in both Northwest Washington and Northern Virginia, is the largest in the capital and is located near many federal agencies.

Wrighton has argued that arming at least some of the police is necessary because of the numerous incidents of mass gun violence that have occurred in recent years. He specifically cited shootings at Michigan State University, the University of Virginia, and an elementary school in Nashville.

Now, some other campuses and school-based police already carry firearms, but others do not. For example, at Georgetown and American universities in D.C., police do not carry guns but instead carry batons and pepper spray. And let’s not forget Howard University and the University of the District of Columbia, where police do indeed carry guns.

So why are some GWU students so upset about this new policy? Well for one, they’re worried about the police treating students of color unfairly. In fact, one student who attended the protest said she was treated roughly by police a few years ago when she tried to deliver a petition to the previous GWU president.

And another student said she was dubious that arming the police would make her feel any safer. Hmmm, sounds like these students don’t have much faith in the police… wonder why?

Anyways, the university says it values everyone’s opinion on the matter and will keep moving forward with its plan while taking everyone’s concerns into account. So where do you stand on the issue, folks? Are you pro-gun, anti-gun, or just plain gun-shy? Let us know in the comments!

Serious News: washingtonpost


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