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Tennessee’s expulsion of two lawmakers threatens to form a political black hole – The Washington Post

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It’s been a wild ride in Tennessee lately, folks. First, we had the tragic school shooting on March 27, and now we’ve got some drama at the Capitol. Apparently, some White Republican lawmakers are doing everything in their power to silence Black voters and maintain their outdated policies on guns, abortion, and LGBTQ rights. I mean, if they’re so confident that their beliefs are right, why can’t they just let people vote and decide for themselves? Seems a little fishy to me, and I don’t just mean the Tennessee River.

But wait, it gets better. These GOP officials are so scared of social change that they’re resorting to all sorts of shady tactics – gerrymandering, felony disenfranchisement, and barriers to mail-in voting, to name a few. It’s like they’re running around with a “keep America conservative” sign and trying to stop any progress from happening. Sorry, guys, but democracy is kind of important if you want to have a say in matters like gun safety or healthcare. It’s not rocket science.

Now, I don’t want to stereotype, but it sure seems like the pro-Trump crowd is having a bit of a meltdown lately. They can’t defend the indefensible anymore, so they’re just lashing out and stamping their feet like toddlers. Honestly, it’s pretty entertaining to watch. Just the other day, these guys threw such a temper tantrum that they almost blocked progress on gun safety by trying to crush free speech and democracy. Umm, hello, welcome to America? I thought we were supposed to have a government “by the people, for the people.” Maybe they skipped that part in their history lessons.

But enough about the MAGA movement. Let’s talk about the bright side – young voters are finally getting some recognition! Remember those Tennessee state representatives who got kicked out for speaking up about gun safety? They’re both under 30, and they’ve been making waves lately. Republicans are starting to realize that younger voters could be a game-changer in future elections. I mean, sure, they might have different ideas about issues like abortion or climate change, but that’s okay. It’s not like younger people don’t care about politics. In fact, they turned out in droves in swing states during the last election. Take that, Scott Walker.

So, what’s the bottom line? Well, if we want to make progress in this country, we need to protect our democracy and engage young voters. It’s not rocket science, but it does take some effort. Instead of trying to stifle free speech or suppress certain communities, we should be working together to find common ground and come up with solutions that benefit everyone. That’s the beauty of democracy, folks – we can all have a voice, no matter how old we are, what we look like or where we come from. It’s time to stop the bickering and start making some positive change, one vote at a time.

Serious News: washingtonpost


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