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Dillon Brooks Tries Stand-Up Comedy: Labels LeBron James ‘Vintage’ After Grizzlies’ Game 2 Win, Celebrates Bear-Poking Habit

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You know what they say, “age is just a number”, but apparently, Memphis Grizzlies’ Dillon Brooks thinks it’s a really big number when it comes to LeBron James. After jawing with the basketball legend during Game 2 of the Western Conference playoff series, Brooks decided to share his thoughts, saying that LeBron is “old.” Well, that’s not very nice now, is it? But, Brooks continued to poke the bear, explaining that he doesn’t respect anyone unless they can give him 40 points. Savage.
During the game, the Lakers were down by 20 but James was starting to bring them back. Brooks got whistled for his fourth foul and according to him, that’s when LeBron said something that pushed his buttons: “You’re dumb for getting that foul.” Not one to let that slide, Brooks shared his not-so-nice thoughts about the basketball great.
In his post-game interview, while wearing dark sunglasses, jeans, and a vest with no shirt, Brooks let it all hang out. He started by saying that James isn’t at the same level he was when he was in Cleveland and winning championships in Miami. Ouch. If we could have a moment of silence to recognize the sharpness of that comment, please. Brooks continued with some constructive criticism, saying that LeBron is a special player who doesn’t like being touched on the floor, but when playoffs come around and bumps are allowed, it will wear him down. Well, that’s one way of looking at things.
Let’s not forget that James is playing on an injured foot that he said requires surgery. But, that didn’t stop Brooks from saying that he wants to see how the seven-game series will wear on James. He even dared to say that he wants to see if LeBron will play the one-on-one battle or if he’ll take himself out of the game. Throw down the gauntlet, Brooks!
Brooks explained that he was just trying to get LeBron tired by using subtle tactics and claiming that he did his job. When asked about the altercation between them, Brooks said his response to James was, “Finally you want to talk.” And then they started talking about how James can’t take him one-on-one. Shot fired!
Brooks admitted to creating a name for himself, so he doesn’t care if people do a double-take at his statements about James. But, we have to wonder if that’s a wise move considering LeBron’s famous ability to turn even small slights into vendettas. Maybe Brooks needs to take a cue from the saying “let sleeping dogs lie.” We’ll have to see what James will say and do in Game 3.

Serious News: nytimes


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