HomePoliticsHouse G.O.P Winks at Snatching Back Unspent Covid Cash for a Frugal...

House G.O.P Winks at Snatching Back Unspent Covid Cash for a Frugal Fiesta: The Fiscal Plan Chronicles

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Gather ’round, folks, because it looks like the House Republicans are at it again! This time, they’ve come up with a grand idea that will shock and amaze you all. They’re proposing to recall billions of dollars in coronavirus relief funds that Congress approved but haven’t been spent. Why, you ask? Because they want to make some spending cuts, honey! And who cares about popular federal programs, right? They’re just a bunch of pesky little things getting in the way of saving some cold, hard cash.

You know those Republicans, always with the brilliant ideas. Rescinding unspent pandemic emergency money seems like a piece of cake, and they’re estimating that it could add up to a whopping $50 billion to $70 billion. It’s like they’re playing a round of “how much money can we save by being stingy?” and they’re winning big time! Forget about struggling to unite their ranks around a fiscal blueprint, they seem to be laser-focused on this one idea. I can almost see the lightbulbs over their heads flashing with excitement.

As if that wasn’t enough, we’ve got Speaker Kevin McCarthy finally unveiling the Republicans’ plan to raise the debt limit for one year. And what’s the exchange for such a grand gesture, you ask? Only a few spending cuts and policy changes, no biggie. But fear not, dear reader, because this brilliant plan will be voted on next week. Get your popcorn ready, folks, this is going to be quite the show.

Our dear Mr. McCarthy had some choice words to say about the matter. According to him, the American people are tired of politicians using Covid as an excuse for more extreme inflationary spending. But wait, didn’t the pandemic cause major economic turmoil and a need for drastic measures? Details, details. He also added that if the money was authorized to fight the pandemic, any unspent funds should not be used after the pandemic is over. Well, I guess the pandemic is magically over now, folks! Party time!

In conclusion, it looks like the House Republicans are having a jolly old time coming up with ways to pinch pennies. Who cares about popular programs, economic struggles, or public opinion? All hail the almighty dollar! We’ll just recall those pesky unspent funds and pretend everything is fine and dandy. Good luck to them, and good luck to all of us, dear readers. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Serious News: nytimes


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