HomeTechnologyReady to ride the A.I. wave? Witty tech fund guru spills the...

Ready to ride the A.I. wave? Witty tech fund guru spills the tea on 4 must-have stocks!

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Hey pardners, listen up! Artificial intelligence ain’t all robots and lasers. It’s also about investing in some of the biggest and coolest advancements, and boy, do we have some news for y’all!

According to the lead manager of Polar Capital Technology Trust plc, Microsoft could be the bee’s knees when it comes to investing in artificial intelligence. This fund has a whopping $3.7 billion and trades on the London Stock Exchange like it’s nobody’s business. Microsoft’s got some sweet investments in OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, and Github – a code-sharing platform for developers. Yeehaw!

This ain’t no blarney, folks. Apparently, Microsoft is super strong thanks to its productivity software suite, Office 365, which has integrated ChatGPT to make its customers happier than a pig in mud. Its “productivity and business processes” division grew by 13% to a whopping $17 billion in its latest financial quarter, making it the second largest sales generator. They’re also integrating ChatGPT with the search engine Bing, and did we mention they have access to first-party datasets like LinkedIn, which nobody else can access?

But wait, there’s more! In the chip sector, Nvidia and AMD are the places to be, folks. Rogoff mentioned that Nvidia is leading the pack in graphics processing units (GPUs) after jumping up more than 90% this year following a 50% drop in 2022. GPUs are key for artificial intelligence because they handle data and computations like no other. AMD has also been killing it with the Instinct line of GPUs, giving Nvidia a run for its money.

But let’s not forget about Alphabet, the parent company of Google, and once considered a leader in artificial intelligence. Is it still on top? Well, according to Rogoff, it’s in an “interesting spot.” On one hand, it’s got a 90% market share in search with its own ChatGPT-like language model. But on the other hand, it could potentially lose market share if a competitor changes the user’s expectation of search results or upends Google’s advertising-led business model. On top of that, the cost of AI-powered search results is multiple times the cost of the existing search service. Talk about a double-edged sword.

Listen, investing in technology carries risk, folks. But don’t you worry none. Rogoff suggests diversifying investments, even while targeting a single theme. It’s why his Polar Capital funds have as many as 60 to 90 stocks each. So, hop on the AI train and invest in these bigwig stocks before you’re left in the dust!

Serious News: cnbc


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