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They May Be Just Acquaintances, But Gosh Darn It, They Still Matter! (SEO Loves a Good Friend-Zone)

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Well, well, well, what do we have here? Apparently, some people have been walking around with “feld clickers” counting how many people they interact with. I mean, come on, people, is it really that serious? But here’s the kicker, those who interacted with more people felt happier and more connected than those who didn’t. So, I guess it’s time to start talking to your classmates and co-workers, people! Happiness awaits!

Now, this next part is where things get interesting. The researchers found that the results weren’t a product of different personalities. Nope, it turns out that even the most introverted people reported feeling happier on days when they interacted with more people. So, all you shy people out there, don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with your barista or shuttle driver. Who knows, you might even crack a smile!

But wait, there’s more! In a study conducted in 2020, researchers followed over 800 adults in Detroit for a whopping 23 years. They asked participants to draw three circles and place people in their lives based on their closeness. Shockingly, family members were mostly found in the inner circle, while co-workers and neighbors were in the outermost circle. So, what does this mean? It means that even those weak ties can provide a sense of belonging and happiness.

In conclusion, folks, it’s time to start talking to strangers! Okay, don’t go out and talk to every single stranger you come across, but do take the time to smile or say hello to those around you. Whether it’s your barista or shuttle driver, these small interactions can bring a sense of happiness and belonging into your life. So, go ahead and expand that outermost circle of weak ties. Who knows, you might just make a new friend or two!

Serious News: nytimes


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